About us
Responsible person for the content in accordance with § 5 of the Digital Communications Act :
In den Lindengärten 1
D-63073 Offenbach
teamcostagliola GmbH
In den Lindengärten 1
63073 Offenbach am Main
Represented from its side by the manager: Maurizio Costagliola
እዚ ትካል ስርሑ
ድለላ መድሕን ብሕጊ §34d par 1 ኢንድስትሪ ሕጋጋት ብዝፍቅዶ መሰረት ስርሑ የካይድ።
ኦፍንባኽ ኢንድስትራዊን ንግዳውን ቤትምኽሪ
Frankfurter Straße 90, 63067 Offenbach am Main
Tel: 069 – 82 07-0
E-Mail: service@offenbach.ihk.de
Webpage: www.offenbach.ihk.de
- §34d ብዝእዝዞ ኢንድስትሪ ሕጋጋት
– §§ 59 – 68 of the Insurance Contracts Act
- §§ 59-68 ናይ ኢንድስትሪ ውፅል መድሕን፡ናይ መድሕን ደለልልትን ኣማኽርትን
እቲናይ ምቁጻር ሰራሕተኛ ውክልና ኣብ ናይ ምኒስትሪ ፍትሒ ወብ ሳይት በዚ ዝስዕብ ኣድራሻ ክርከብ ይከኣል። www.gesetze.im.internet.de
ምዝገባ ውክልና ጀርመን . ውክልና ጀርመን
ኢንድስትራውን ንግዳውን ቤትምኽሪ
Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin
Phone: 0180 – 60 05 850
Tel: 069 – 82 07-0
(price from landline phones 0,20 euro/call; mobile operators max. 0,60 eurocents/call)
Fax: 030 – 20 30 81 000
E-Mail: vr@dihk.de
Internet: www.vermittlerregister.info
ምምኽኻርን ክፍሊትን
ሕጊ ብዝእዞ መሰረት በቲ ንህቦ ኣገልግሎትን ምኽርን ካብቲ ንወስዶ ኮምሽን መሽጣ ነጻ ኢኻ።
ኣድራሽ ናይ ሽምገልቲ ወይ ፈርድቲ ኣካላት ምናልባት ዘይምስምማዕ ኣብ ዘጋጥመሉ ግዜ ኣብ ምንጎ ወሃብቲ ኣግልግሎትን ዓደግቲ ኣገልግሎትን
The addresses of the arbitration bodies, which can be contacted in the case of disputes between intermediaries or consultants, are :
Postfach 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin
Tel : 0800 – 36 96 000
Fax : 0800 – 36 99 000
E-Mail : beschwerde@versicherungsombudsmann.de
Webpage : www.versicherungsombudsmann.de
Postfach 06 02 22, 10052 Berlin
Phone : 0800 – 36 96 000
Fax : 030 – 20 45 89 31
E-Mail : ombudsmann@pkv-ombudsmann.de
Webpage : www.mv24.de
Glockengießerwall 2, 20095 Hamburg
Tel : 040 – 69 65 08-90
Fax : 040 – 69 65 08-91
E-Mail : kontakt@schlichtung-finanzberatung.de
Internet : www.schlichtung-finanzberatung.de
Other addresses of arbitration bodies and possibilities for out-of-court settlement of disputes you can receive from :
Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn
Tel : 0228 – 41 08-0
Fax : 0228 – 41 08-1550
E-Mail : poststelle@bafin.de
Internet : www.bafin.de
Information for online dispute resolution
The European Commission has set up a European online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform) in accordance with Directive 2013/11 / EU. This OS platform can be used by a consumer for the out-of-court settlement of a dispute arising from online contracts with a company based in the EU. The OS platform can be reached via the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/